"the fifth type, the most abstract and implicit of all, is architextuality, as definied above. it involves a relationship that is completely silent, articulated at most only by a paratextual mention, which can be titular or most often subtitular, but which remains in any case of a purely taxonomic nature. when this relationship is unarticulated, it may be because of a refusal to underscore the obvious or, controversely, an intent to reject or elude any kind of classification. in all cases, however, the text itself is not supposed to know, and consequently not meant to declare, its generic quality: the novel does not identify itself explicitly as a novel, nor the poem as a poem. Even less - since the genre is only one aspect of the architext - does verse declare itself as verse, prose as prose, narrative as narrative etc. one might even say that determining the generic status of the text is not the business of the text but that of the reader, or the critic, or the public."
Överlever jag detta tänker jag sova hela lördagen.
Och på tal om något helt annat, varför slutade Willys sälja Eldorados nudlar med kycklingsmak? Det är ju så satans gott!
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